Rent equipment -
projectors, video panels,
plasma screens, LCD monitors,
projection & LED screens,
microphones, acoustics
notebooks, office equipment

About the exhibition

Exhibition-Forum "Health for All" - an expo of cultural traditions of health, effective methods and means of healing and treatment.

Why is it held? To:

1. Give additional and alternative ways to solve health problems through the means and methods of innovation, alternative and traditional medicine.

2. Promote healthy lifestyles and preventive methods of treatment.

3. Report to people that always there is a way out – you just need to know where to find it.

4. Demonstrate that the classical and folk, alternative medicine can supplement each other and work in a interrelated  way.

5. Remind that the source of classical medicine is the knowledge and experience stored by generations, exactly that "traditional medicine", the concept of which was unjustly shaded by nomenclature bureaucracy on the one hand, and by roguish actions of the pseudo-healers – on another hand.




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